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- abspath(path)
- # Return an absolute path.
- basename(p)
- Returns the final component of a pathname
- commonprefix(m)
- Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component
- dirname(p)
- Returns the directory component of a pathname
- exists(path)
- Test whether a path exists. Returns false for broken symbolic links
- expanduser(path)
- Expand ~ and ~user constructions. If user or $HOME is unknown,
- do nothing
- expandvars(path)
- Expand shell variables of form $var and ${var}. Unknown variables
- are left unchanged
- getatime(filename)
- Return the last access time of a file, reported by os.stat().
- getmtime(filename)
- Return the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat().
- getsize(filename)
- Return the size of a file, reported by os.stat().
- isabs(s)
- Test whether a path is absolute
- isdir(path)
- Test whether a path is a directory
- isfile(path)
- Test whether a path is a regular file
- islink(path)
- Test whether a path is a symbolic link
- ismount(path)
- Test whether a path is a mount point
- join(a, *p)
- Join two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed
- normcase(s)
- Normalize case of pathname. Has no effect under Posix
- normpath(path)
- Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.
- samefile(f1, f2)
- Test whether two pathnames reference the same actual file
- sameopenfile(fp1, fp2)
- Test whether two open file objects reference the same file
- samestat(s1, s2)
- Test whether two stat buffers reference the same file
- split(p)
- Split a pathname. Returns tuple "(head, tail)" where "tail" is
- everything after the final slash. Either part may be empty
- splitdrive(p)
- Split a pathname into drive and path. On Posix, drive is always
- empty
- splitext(p)
- Split the extension from a pathname. Extension is everything from the
- last dot to the end. Returns "(root, ext)", either part may be empty
- walk(top, func, arg)
- walk(top,func,args) calls func(arg, d, files) for each directory "d"
- in the tree rooted at "top" (including "top" itself). "files" is a list
- of all the files and subdirs in directory "d".