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mathematics notation definition

Math notation reference


The following list gives the operators for the math notation definition in order of diminishing precedence. Any short forms for operators are given after the operator name. In definitions, A and B refer to the elements preceding and following the operator, respectively. Each precedence level has its own associativity.

  1. Name Composition (left)
    index ;
    attach a quantitative index B to a variable name A
    example: x;1 + x;2 + 'ellipsis + x;n
    qual :
    attach a descriptive qualifier B to a variable name A
    example: V:be 'approxeq 0.7*'_Volt
  2. Relation (right)
    apply (
    apply a relation A to an argument or tuple of arguments B
  3. Exponentiation (right)
    exp ** ^
    raise a base A to an exponent B
    example: 'exp('exp(root(2),root(2)),root(2)) = 2
  4. Factorial (unary left)
    fact !
    form the factorial of A
  5. Multiplication and Division (left)
    prod *
    multiply two expressions
    example: 2 * 2 = 4
    quot /
    form the quotient of two expressions
    example: 'quot(a / b - 3,c)
    divide two expressions and suggest the dot-bar-dot symbol for visual rendering
    example: 6 'divby 2 = 3
    compose the function A with the function B
    form the intersection of two sets
  6. Quantitative Negation (unary right)
    neg _
    form the negative of a quantity, vector, or matrix
  7. Cross Product (left)
    form the cross product of two vectors
  8. Dot Product (nonassoc)
    form the dot product of two vectors
  9. Addition and Subtraction (left)
    sum +
    add two expressions
    diff -
    subtract two expressions
    form the union of two sets
    form the disjoint union of two sets
    relcomp \
    form the relative complement of B in the set A
    form the symmetric difference of two sets
  10. Quantitative Comparison (chain)
    eq =
    assert that two expressions are equal
    assert that two expressions are not equal
    gt >
    assert that A is strictly greater than B
    gteq >=
    assert that A is greater than or equal to B
    lt <
    assert that A is strictly less than B
    lteq <=
    assert that A is less than or equal to B
    assert that A is approximately equal to B
    assert that A is proportional to B
    suppose that A approaches the value B
  11. Geometric Relationships (chain)
    parallel ||
    assert that A is parallel to B
    perpto |_
    assert that A is perpendicular to B
    congruent =~
    assert that A is congruent to B
    similar ~~
    assert that A is similar to B
  12. Set Comparison (chain)
    assert that A is a superset of the set B
    assert that A is a strict superset of the set B
    assert that A is a subset of the set B
    assert that A is a strict subset of the set B
    assert that A is not a subset of the set B
  13. Containment (nonassoc)
    assert that A is an element of the set B
    assert that A is not an element of the set B
  14. Logical Negation (unary right)
    assert the negation of a proposition or truth value
  15. Logical Conjunction (left)
    form the logical conjunction of two propositions or truth values
  16. Logical Disjunction (left)
    form the logical inclusive disjunction of two propositions or truth values
    form the logical exclusive disjunction of two propositions or truth values
  17. Implication (serial)
    assert that proposition A implies proposition B
  18. Logical Equivalence (serial)
    assert that two propositions or truth values are equivalent
  19. Definition (serial)
    define A as being equal to B
  20. Composition (serial)
    tuple ,
    join things into ordered lists

Please note a few things about operators:

copyright © by Ping (e-mail) updated Tue 15 Oct 1996 at 14:19 JST
since Sun 26 May 1996